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m (First Draft Pack Info.)
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<span class=title style="font-size:2em;">The Story</span>
<span class=title style="font-size:2em;">The Story</span>
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The Shorewalkers, cryptid hunters, werewolves. They exist at the edge, both on the border of Lake Michigan, and between the Material world and the Shadow. A misfit group of Uratha and and Wolfbloods that seem to have found one another here in Chicago, they've taken up residence in Lakeview, where they're setting up their territory.
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They've made some friends, they've made some ... annoyances for others, and they seem to be here to stay, look after their space, and maybe even help the city out with a few problems.

Latest revision as of 22:36, 19 November 2022


The Shorewalkers

The Story
The Shorewalkers, cryptid hunters, werewolves. They exist at the edge, both on the border of Lake Michigan, and between the Material world and the Shadow. A misfit group of Uratha and and Wolfbloods that seem to have found one another here in Chicago, they've taken up residence in Lakeview, where they're setting up their territory.

They've made some friends, they've made some ... annoyances for others, and they seem to be here to stay, look after their space, and maybe even help the city out with a few problems.

Pack Members




Suhurmash-Asura. Coils-in-the-Deep. A cryptid water spirit formed out of the legend of the Lake Michigan Sea Serpent and the totem spirit of the Shorewalkers. A spirit of mystery bound to the water, she's responsible for most of the sightings and stories of this myth. Never quite being truly captured on video or photo, often being faked, the spirit craves that almost-attention of the mortal world, never wanting to truly reveal herself, thriving on the legend itself and that concept of half-existing.

The Pack has found her though, and together they've promised to continue the myth, and to spread the legends.
