
Difference between revisions of "Shorewalkers"

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     <td width=30%>[[Image:ShorewalkersTotem.png|450px|center]]</td>
     <td width=30%>[[Image:ShorewalkersTotem.png|450px|center]]</td>
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<p>Vestibulum dapibus dui eu massa dictum congue. Sed rhoncus pulvinar rutrum. Aliquam imperdiet nec urna posuere vehicula. Aliquam eu augue in enim luctus egestas vitae at nunc. Mauris varius, ligula sed dignissim dapibus, nunc elit rutrum nisi, in facilisis lectus quam sed libero. </p>
<p>Suhurmash-Asura. Coils-in-the-Deep. A cryptid water spirit formed out of the legend of the Lake Michigan Sea Serpent and the totem spirit of the Shorewalkers. A spirit of mystery bound to the water, she's responsible for most of the sightings and stories of this myth. Never quite being truly captured on video or photo, often being faked, the spirit craves that almost-attention of the mortal world, never wanting to truly reveal herself, thriving on the legend itself and that concept of half-existing.</p>
<p>Fusce sit amet eros sit amet est mollis ultrices. Sed rhoncus luctus libero non ornare. Nulla vel orci vel turpis elementum pharetra eget non erat.</p></td>
<p>The Pack has found her though, and together they've promised to continue the myth, and to spread the legends.</p></td>

Revision as of 22:33, 19 November 2022


The Shorewalkers

The Story
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in diam molestie, tempus massa in, congue dolor. Nunc maximus est libero, vel molestie felis blandit sed. Aliquam at ante vel ex sodales euismod quis nec lectus. Aliquam lorem nulla, maximus eget molestie sit amet, luctus varius magna. Phasellus vulputate nec dui quis auctor. Donec ultricies dui nec sapien fringilla tempus. Aenean sed mattis dui, et ultrices orci. Duis ullamcorper nulla quis diam venenatis, suscipit pellentesque urna dapibus.

Pellentesque quis nisi et urna bibendum varius vitae sed erat. Etiam eget placerat purus. Suspendisse accumsan leo sem, sodales ultrices quam ultricies et. Maecenas laoreet elementum justo, et rutrum velit feugiat et. Nam malesuada, metus sed luctus gravida, justo nisl tempor lorem, eget sodales sem orci ut mi. Curabitur auctor ac odio et malesuada. Aliquam condimentum elit est, in varius nibh condimentum a. Fusce mollis bibendum purus, at auctor ante commodo vel.

Pack Members




Suhurmash-Asura. Coils-in-the-Deep. A cryptid water spirit formed out of the legend of the Lake Michigan Sea Serpent and the totem spirit of the Shorewalkers. A spirit of mystery bound to the water, she's responsible for most of the sightings and stories of this myth. Never quite being truly captured on video or photo, often being faked, the spirit craves that almost-attention of the mortal world, never wanting to truly reveal herself, thriving on the legend itself and that concept of half-existing.

The Pack has found her though, and together they've promised to continue the myth, and to spread the legends.
