


Stat Box
DOB: June 1, 1999
Concept: Confidence man
Virtue: Hope
Vice: Pride

Gang: Who's hiring this week?

Nearly six feet tall, Preston has light skin, medium brown hair trimmed short, a pointy chin, and is that a playful smirk or just a wry grin? He mostly dresses in contrasting solid colors: rumpled light-colored button-down with slacks and loafers, or faded t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers and a dark gray hoodie.


Preston parks his bicycle near an office block, drops off a pizza, and leaves with an extra $500 in cash in his pocket. This is another profit-sharing scam; he'll split it later with the phone jockey who pulled it out of the petty cash safe, where no one will notice the loss until a week later. But first, he stops off at a bar a few blocks down. "Next round's on you," he says to the barfly at the end of the counter. "See, I told you they'd give me a $500 tip..."

RP Hooks

Need someone who knows how to get places and do things, who's not tied down to any particular side, who's comfortable with morally gray? He's your guy.


Work in progress. Preston is more of a doer than a knower.


Preston2.jpg   Preston3.jpg
Preston4.jpg   Preston7.jpg
Preston5.jpg   Preston6.jpg   Preston8.jpg


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