
Difference between revisions of "Rose"

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<div class="header">History</div>
<div class="header">History</div>
<div class="infotext">
<div class="infotext">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet nibh nec ante pulvinar tristique. Mauris varius dui pulvinar, congue arcu vel, sagittis dolor. Proin tempor id odio eget rhoncus. In ac massa felis. Praesent eu dolor vel dui eleifend luctus. Morbi rhoncus, quam quis cursus cursus, ante turpis tempus est, et gravida quam dolor sed arcu. Etiam eu ornare tellus. Fusce consequat dignissim lacus, et efficitur eros varius ut. Praesent efficitur, ex ac viverra vehicula, ante tellus elementum quam, id tempor purus tortor ac urna.
Rose is the oldest of the three Gale sisters, a magical family that founded TRIAS society along with the other two familes involved. She was taught how to use her magic and witchcraft from a young age, and has developed a decent talent for clairvoyance and scrying, techniquies to uncover people's secrets.
In interdum sed ex semper malesuada. In euismod risus ut leo malesuada consectetur. Aenean viverra bibendum facilisis. Phasellus et fringilla lorem. In imperdiet lorem orci, vitae tristique ligula lobortis non. Sed tempor faucibus mi, vitae tempor tortor vulputate eget. Nunc at nisi scelerisque, convallis quam eget, lobortis velit. Nam sit amet vestibulum mauris. Aliquam ac ante massa. Phasellus id purus vitae justo accumsan scelerisque et dignissim urna. Nam tempor aliquet nulla, et vulputate leo ultrices ullamcorper. Aliquam nec neque luctus elit dictum tincidunt ut in magna. Nam non mauris dapibus, placerat ante sit amet, consectetur ipsum. Integer eget imperdiet lorem, nec luctus justo.
Rose has watched so many people in her family disappear. From her grandfather Gideon Gale who vanished mysteriously. Her mother, Eleanor who without warning or logic vanished, only to write that she'd left the country to be with a new lover. Most of her life was spent with her father and his deteriorating mental state, until recently in 2022 he too has vanished from Chicago.
Now Rose is quietly convinced that somehow she's going to be the next Gale to randomly vanish.
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** Fortune teller, clearly just another psychic hustler.
** Fortune teller, clearly just another psychic hustler.
** Enjoys figuring out mysteries.
** Enjoys figuring out mysteries.
** Often seems to zone out and not pay attention to her surroundings.
** Fortune teller, seer and knower of things. It's not psychic, it's magic.
** Fortune teller, seer and knower of things. It's not psychic, it's magic.
** Family legacy of magic and mystery.
** Family legacy of magic and mystery.
** Her family is known in the Accords as having a history of Witchcraft, but mostly her father Ralston (who has now vanished) dealt primarly with the council and the Accorded peoples.

Revision as of 03:26, 23 October 2022




Full Name:Rosemary Gale
Vice:Other people have secrets?

Aura Reading:๐‰๐‰๐‰



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