
Log:Miss Monrose's Magic Mart

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Log:Miss Monrose's Magic Mart

Don't smell that, Alex!


Ethan, Alex, Apophis as ST

June 8, 2022

Ethan recruits Alex to go see if they can dig up more information on ASA Monrose, especially evidence that she's under some kind of spiritual influence. While Alex and Ethan do find evidence that spirits pay attention to her, they track her to a small occult shop. Alex initially strikes her interest, but as the conversation continues, something he says spooks her and she ends it abruptly.

Lawyers tend to keep funny hours. But less so for government lawyers, who aren't getting paid by how many billable hours they keep. So it's probably no surprise when, at 5 minutes 'til 5, Assistant State's Attorney Monrose steps out of the Cook County Administration Building, a relatively unobtrusive and rather ugly 35-floor skyscraper whose bottom level isn't even as decorative as most Barnes and Noble stores.

Once again, she's in a sensible dark skirt, white shirt, and a pair of overly large black glasses that she likely doesn't need. But they do lend her a far more serious look. There's a bag slung over her shoulder, and she seems to be paying more attention to her phone than the people around her as she starts walking toward the curb, occasionally glancing up toward the street as she waits near the curb.

Ethan had arrived to pick Alex up in his black truck, a vehicle that is unobtrusive unless one counts the small purple heart sticker on the driver's side door. He had parked on the street and fed the meter for hours before because otherwise getting a parking place at the right spot was going to be well nigh impossible.

"There she is," Ethan murmurs to Alex, dipping his chin towards the ASA.

On the way over he'd filled Alex in. "She got all weird at me when Colt and I were in jail. Hit on me in ways they both said could have harmed her career. John dismissed it, Colt told me to drop it, but…I don't know. I can't shake the feeling there's something going on with her, and if she's in danger of being Claimed I'd like to help her out, you know? Thanks for agreeing to take a look."

He has one hand on the ignition as he realizes she's waiting on an Uber; he doesn't want to start the car or pull out too soon but he surely does wanna be ready when the time comes.

And. Bonus. This *has* to be easier than following a gigantic roach across town and traffic.

He hopes.

Alex listens as he rides with Ethan. When they park and spot the mark he studies her in silence before asking softly, "Did you see anything? Smell anything?" Frowning a bit she looks normal, cute lawyer, dressed as you'd expect. "I'm going to shift my senses over to look across, so you'll have to keep your wits about you in the local." Nodding to Ethan he adds, "Hopefully I can help out, no thanks needed."

With that he goes quiet as his senses shift, cutting him off from seeing or hearing anything here and now, but if there is a problem he'd feel a touch. Looking at the spiritual side he speaks softly, "If something goes wrong I won't hear, so tap me if needed."

Which gives Alex plenty of time to shift his gazes and perceptions into the shadow. Which comes with a whole flood of information.

Car spirits ruble along the streets, some of them speeding past like raging stallions, others lumbering slowly along like docile cattle. It creates a mad dash of haphazard flashes, just like on the regular street but somehow more animalistic and competitive, like a herd of antelope.

There are thousands of small spirits here and there outside the building, most of them barely bigger than motes. Spirits of anger and greed, hope, despair, exhaustion and energy. All the things you would expect to find feeding in a government building.

What's missing, though, is what's always missing. Any sense of the humans that inhabit the world disappear as soon as one shifts their focus over. While they certainly have a large impact, humans have no native spiritual reflection. So pinpointing where she was, is, or might be is an exercise in trajectory calculation.

Around her spot, though, Alex can see quite a few spirits, a few larger than the others. A spirit of ambition, and a spirit of pride. A spirit of lust. Those three seem to dominate all the others, swirling around the space where she was like languid eels, just soaking up what flows from the space.

Ethan had nodded to Alex's instructions, but had otherwise gone silent, not wanting to distract the Ithaeur while he was about his work. He's also paying close attention to the flow of traffic and the opportunities; the more he pays attention now the easier it might be to just ease out after the Uber. With luck she'll be focused on her phone, the driver will be focused on their route.

He does think to pull his phone out with his free hand, like a man who is busy not driving because he's reading a text or responding to one. Setting up a plausible story, just in case he winds up needing one. But so far so good and he's really hoping he doesn't.

It doesn't take long before Alex returns his hearing to the current side of the gauntlet while keeping his sight in the shadow. "I can hear now. It doesn't look too out of the norm. Now I'm thinking we could use some of the spirits to follow her if you think she'll catch on to us staying close enough to see." Trailing off, he looks more closely at the spot he knows is where she was standing on the sidewalk waiting for her ride. "There isn't anything obvious just yet. Though I'm guessing she's like most lawyers, ambition, pride, and a healthy dose of that lust, you saw judging from the spirits about her."

Naturally, the Uber driver doesn't give them that long. After the first minute of Alex reaching out his senses, threading the shadow with those little strands of essence, the shining gray Honda stops for alicia, who slides into the back.

Following teh woman turns out to be somewhat easy. The traffic, despite being somewhat heavy, isn't moving at too great a clip during rush hour in Chicago, so keeping up while keeping your distance is the easy part.

Threading those damn threads of essence in a moving car? That takes a little more work.

By the time Alex is finally done, the Honda has pulled into a little strip mall, Alicia getting out wth her bag on her arm. At first it looks like the car is leaving her, but she leans down into the window, touching the driver's arm briefly as she whispers something into his ear. He gives a nod, moving into one of the parking spaces and apparently taking up a wait.

Alex, with his senses on the other side of the gauntlet, sees a flurry of activity from the spirits, whatever just happened correlating with a sudden rush from the ones following her.

Turning, she heads into a darkly lit store with no real markings on the door, letting the thing close behind her.

Ethan has been practicing, to be honest. He's been just picking random cars on the road and figuring out how long he can follow them in the hopes of improving his driving. He's got aspirations of being able to handle any situation behind a wheel. Driving is now part of his arsenal, or will be when he gets much better at it.

He drives past her exit though, pulling in to park at whatever the *next* fast food restaurant or 7-11 or strip mall or whatever is, figuring Alex will surely have a fix by then and not really wanting to get that close. He pulls out his phone, though, to pull up Google Maps to see what the almighty search engine says the name of that unmarked shop is.

He even breathes a sigh of relief. See. Where she's going right now? That's weird. That means he maybe isn't wasting Alex's time on stuff that more experienced wolves have already told him was a big nothingburger. He's still remaining quiet, for all the same reasons as before, but it's a companionable silence.

The ritual is pretty uneventful regarding what physically happens in the truck as Ethan drives. At first, Alex sits in what appears to be a meditative trance, opening up that spiritual font of essence as he starts to weave and work his consciousness into the spirits around them. Softly muttered words help him focus and weave the threads of invisible essence with his hands. The traffic helps with this process as the car isn't moving very fast, allowing for him to form an idea of all the spirits within five hundred yards of them.

By the time they stop, he's ready, grinning as he focuses on the multitude of input that comes through the connections he's formed. "Ok... I'm good... I'll focus on one of those spirits with her, that stick with her, use its senses to keep tabs on her..."

Google says the name of the shop is, variously: Kimberly's Cosmetics, Estetica Mirabel, and Noodle Wok. From the look of the accompanying pictures on the website, this store was most assuredly those at some point. But definitely not now. The glass in the windows is frosted, making it hard to see inside from Ethan's perspective, though there's movement there. The darkness of the panes suggests that it's relying on natural light, rather than lit from within.

Alex only has a little more luck. The second problem with using spirits to track a human is -- most of them don't really see the human teh same way that Alex might. They see a source of food, one that they enjoy circling to see what falls off. And while they can see her -- sort of -- it's through a mirror darkly, like looking at a person underwater from the dock. There are sounds coming from within -- muffled and hard to make out really, but definitely not something that Alex can make out. Probably not English.

The inside of the store, from the Shadow, appears to be some kind of temple to an innumerable number of small gods and spirits, offerings in the bowls powerful enough to be almost overwhelming in their intensity, threatening to overload Alex's senses. But he manages to keep himself -- and his spiritual *cheval* -- under control.

Alex's grin is returned with one of Ethan's own. "Excellent," he rumbles. "Does it distract you if I talk to you?"

He frowns at his Google search results, looks up to see that she's not out yet, and taps out a note for later follow-up after a moment's thought, replacing it on its little dock on the dash. He also marks the time…might be useful to keep track of how *long* she spends in the former-cosmetics-noodle shop.

"No, no, you're good." Alex replies somewhat distractedly as he focuses on those spirits following their mark. Shaking his head, he relays what he sees and hears, along with the troubles associated with relying on a spirit in this way. "I don't think they're speaking English or anything I can understand. But this place is like a temple of some sort, with offerings, I think you were right to be interested in learning more. Though this could be anything at this point."

Frowning a bit, he focuses on the spirits, shifting his senses between those within the building to find out more information.

It doesn't take long to come up with a basic plan. Alex is going inside, with his Facetime camera on for Ethan's phone. Getting in through the door is easy enough -- it isn't locked, and swings right open.

Inside, candles burn in low votives, and the smell of incense hangs in the air. Along the walls are a series of charms, statues, potions and powders of all kinds, marked in a dozen different languages -- arabic, chinese, what looks like sanskrit or hindi, and a few others that consist of markings rare enough it would take a google-ing to deciper.

Alicia stands next to a short, thin east asian woman just starting to show streaks of gray in her hair, the pair of them comparing two small glass vials, Alicia apparently asking a variety of questions ...

That is, they *were*, until Alex steps in through the door. The attorney and the proprietor immediately looks up at him, offering what appears to be a greeting in that -- whatever language she's speaking. But the bowed head and bright smile make the intention clear nonetheless.

Alicia's back straightens a bit, and she looks Alex up and down, the little desire-spirit that Alex poured his senses into earlier doing the same. She offers the man the barest nod, asking, "Are you -- lost?"

Ethan has the phone muted for sure. He leans over and reaches into his dashboard, pulling out a small pad of paper and a pencil. He starts quickly trying to mark down any of those more esoteric symbols, just trying to copy them for later lookup. His pencil moves hard and dark over the page, but he tries to work quick, knowing Alex might have to turn away from them at any moment.

"You've got this, buddy," he murmurs, just sort of cheering him on from where he's at, even as he pops his seatbelt off so he can get out of the car quick if he needs to.

"Just new to town and exploring. I thought this was a Noodle Wok?" Alex looks around before his gaze returns to the pair of women. "What language is that, I don't think I ever heard it before." Looking the part of a now curious explorer he motions around the interior of the building. "So what is this place now?"

Alicia seems to pause for a second, as if wanting to retort to that answer. But after a second she just smiles. "Not the noodle wok anymore," she agrees. "Not since last year. And that language," she adds, "is Korean."

She turns to the other woman, who looks politely confused, whispering something in that low voice. Teh older woman gives a nod of understanding, and a nodding bow to Alex as she goes behind the counter to straighten and arrange some of the displays.

Alicia moves over to Alex, offering a hand. "Alicia," she introduces herself. "And you're currently standing in ae-cha-ui ma-beob ga-dje." A pause. "Ae-cha's incense, charms, and oils." She gives him a slow once over, taking in the build, the tattoos. "Not sure if you should stand out here or fit right in."

"Well, he's getting the first-hand look at the initial weird, ain't he?" Ethan comments, with some amusement. It occurs to him to double check that nothing interesting is happening in his own vicinity while he's about it, pausing to glance around, look in his rearview, that sort of thing; though he keeps his senses on this side of the veil for the time being, mostly because he doesn't want to miss anything from the Facetime.

"Korean," he murmurs…and jots that down too. A star, an underline, little notes that mean stuff to him but might just look a little crazy to anyone who picked up the notebook.

"Oh, neat. I never really heard Korean, I don't think." Alex grins and then nods toward the older woman as she moves to take her place behind the counter. When Alicia offers her hand, it's taken in his to give a firm and polite shake while the tattooed man looks into the woman's eyes. "What makes one fit in? You don't seem to have much in tattoos, so it can't be that. You're better dressed than me." Releasing her hand, he motions to his t-shirt with its pocket, jeans, and sneakers. Smiling, he tries to keep it light as he adds, "So oils and stuff, does that mean I can get a love potion? You... Don't strike me as the type for this kind of store. Big into the spiritual or something else?"

"You can get the things to *make* a love potion," she laughs, shaking her head. "Ae-cha Seonbae only provides materials." Still, she leans back against the counter, looking Alex over more closely, a small smile on her face. "I've found that the clothes aren't important. It's what's underneath them that counts." But then, suddenly, she looks up and catches his gaze as well. "What would you do with a love potion?" She reaches over to a vial on the counter, unplugging the stopper and taking a little sniff before offering Alex the same. "They're unpredictable things. Try massage oil. You'll likely get more mileage." The stuff in the vial smells nice. Floral with a hint of cinnamon and spices, not overpowering.

"Oh man, don't smell that, Alex," Ethan says, ever paranoid. "That's probably bad, Alex."

There is no evidence of this, it really could just be a nice smelling massage oil, but he's already worrying.

This is how he watches television, too. His fingers tap tap tap on the steering wheel, but as they do he smiles faintly; if he finds he has to go in he's at least cooked up his entry line, and it's nice to feel prepared.

"Oh it's more just a curiosity more than a need to make someone love me." Alex waves off the offer to sniff the contents of the vial replying with a laugh, "I'm on to you, that's a love potion and you're trying to get me to smell it to fall under your spell! Well, I'm too smart for that!" Laughing, he doesn't sniff the contents and then adds, still fishing for info, "So then you're a salesperson here?"

She gives a nod, setting the vial back down on the counter, not pressing the issue. If there was some machination there, it's not terribly obvious in her demeanor. Once again, she puts her palms on the edge, leaning against it slightly, looking relaxed. "Salesperson? No," she chuckles. "Just one of the two people in the room that speaks English. And one of the two people in the room that speaks Korean. And the only person in teh room that speaks both."

For all her talk, though, there's a very clear posture -- she's putting herself between Alex and the other woman, presumably Ae-cha. Something protective in that stance.

"Good man," Ethan murmurs, with a quick, gentle sigh of relief. But he's jotting down another rapid-fire question under Korean; namely … *check LI profile.* This outing is producing all sorts of threads to check up on and follow-up on, and he's got the hunter's gleam in his eye even now. He'd be looking things up now but he'd have to click off Facetime, which leads to a random note about buying an Apple watch so he can do two things at once.

But with nothing apparently running up his physical backtrail, he carefully starts easing his own vision into the spirit world, just to see if he can't get a glimpse of his own.

"Well, if I can figure out anything I need from here, I'll let you know so you can translate, but that doesn't seem like a very successful business model. I mean, if you aren't here, how would someone buy anything if they don't speak Korean?" Grinning, he adds, "So I guess that means you'll have to tell me when you'll be here again, and I'll have to come back with a list of what I want." Trying to make it all sound like a clever way to get her number and to see her again, Alex smiles and then motions to the various things around them,

"Or you could break it all down for me now if you have the time?"

Whatever Alex was trying there, it clearly didn't work. There's a moment of confusion on her face, and then her whole expression changes. She turns over her shoulder, saying something to Ae-cha, then turns back to Alex. "You couldn't," she agrees. "But that's alright. She's very particular with who she accepts as a client." Reaching for her bag, she puts a few of the little vials inside, then hands a stack of bills across to counter to Ae-cha, who gives her a genteel now of the head.

Turning back to Alex, she says, "Well. This has been fun. I always enjoy this dance. But," she notes, "it's closing time, and my ride is waiting. And as you said -- you couldn't buy anything without me." A nod to the door. Not really a suggestion.

Ethan turns his head to one side thnn the other, his mouth making a grim line as he returns his sight to the physical world in response to the sound of Alicia giving Alex the big brushoff. But there were a lot of worse ways that could have gone. His finger hovers over the Facetime button; as soon as she's driving away he wants that off. If she ended up stopping next to the truck the last thing he wants showing is the Alex-camera-eye view of the world. But until he *is* clear, the display stays up.

"Well, off to find a Noodle Wok." Waving to both women, Alex doesn't act too put out as he turns and leaves. He waits until he's out of sight before hanging up. Checking to make sure he's not being watched, he slips into the truck and shrugs. "I guess I don't have that kind of game." Chuckling, he adds, "That place is something to look into. Though it could just be some occult spot."

"Dragon Palace is on the other side of the shopping center," she directs him, pointing off to the right. "Sweet Chili pad thai is great." But her tone is a little less flirty. A little more deadpan. Something in what he said didn't sit right with her, even though she was very much into it just a moment ago.

As soon as he's out the door, though, she moves up behind him and locks it. He can hear the click of the deadbolt from outside.

No huge incidents. Alex is able to get back to the truck just fine -- just in time to see the Honda leave. without Alicia. Apparently she's not planning on going that way, if she's going at all.

"Well, it's harder to have that kind of game when someone's up to something," Ethan reasons. "And with that one I suspect having too much game is more liability than asset."

But then the Uber is leaving. *Without* Alicia.

"What the hell?"

Ethan frowns, tap tap tapping his fingers on the steering wheel again, as if unsure what to do. Her being in there creates opportunities, but something twists in his instincts and tells him that's the wrong move.

Instead, he pulls out. Much as he'd like to sit here, wait to see where else she goes or who picks her up or how the evening goes down, Alex is memorable with all his tattoos. If she catches sight of either one of them just sitting one building down later on…

"I'll get some research done," he promises. "And I'll keep you posted on the results. Wanna grab a bite to eat? Least I can do."

Into traffic where he hopes to melt away without being caught or seen.