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ot one, but three praxes have formed within the city. Elders rising against Elders, rallying the young under them to gain power and sway. Two above, warring over the herd and the power that can be had. One below, a supposed sanctum from the political battles and fierce competition for territory and feeding rights.


t's a delicate dance, with the Accord in place. The kindred only hold sway over two districts. In all others they must bend and bow to the laws of the others, while holding control over their own people. One misstep could bring it all tumbling down.


o the North, Enrico Salvatore, an Elder Ventrue of the Invictus, rules. He follows the old laws and enforces them with simple brutality.


he South side is overseen by Raul Alvarez, a shepherd of the Gangrels. He is a firm believer that a healthy community produces a better herd, and thus, must be tended to. He seeks to build the territory the praxis claims, but all of his land is ruled by other factions. The south is a new contender, on that's slowly eaten up land from the North praxis - the two creating the initial divide.


hile the Undercity is the most recently formed of the three. Seeking a place to be where others were not. Where there were none above him to answer to. Tillo Protz, Nosferatu Crone, leads with a lighter touch than any of their counterparts above ground. Crossing him directly, however, is met with unyielding, swift retribution. He is a fan of given kindred more than enough rope to hang themselves, then jerking the noose tight to make an example of miscreants when it is convenient to him.
Sphere Details

Sphere Staff

Wizards: Lilith
Admins: LilithSilverTrickster
Storytellers: Lilith

Sphere Information

Status: Open
Splats: None

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