

Revision as of 22:01, 1 June 2022 by Solomon (talk | contribs)


Stat Box
DOB: 11/15/1984
Concept: Skittering Professor
Thread: Anger
Needle: Teacher

Seeming: Beast
Kith: Hunterheart
Court: Autumn
Motley: None - lone bug.
Entitlement: None

"Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)" by Will Wood

Have you ever died in a nightmare
Woke up surprised you hadn't earned your fate?

"Cotard's Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca)" by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
What if the fear of darkness gave way to the fear of color?
Would you live your life in black and white, or rest your eyes through the day?
And if dreams can come true
What does that say about nightmares?

"Red" by Beth Crowley
Cut me open and I still bleed red
Do your best to get inside my head
Cuz I'm gonna make you remember my name
And I'll be the last one you ever betray
Just wait
You'll be seeing red


There's something just a little off about this guy. His skin is pale, like he doesn't get out quite enough, with a yellowish tint that isn't jaundice but maybe he wants to go to a doctor anyway. He's tall and thin, with a thin nose, thin lips, high cheekbones, and blue-grey eyes that are made for staring holes right through people. His forehead is very high, the hairline starting to march towards the back of his skull, but for right now, his thick brown hair is holding off the assault. His ears are smaller than they should be, and his hands are long and thin. He moves oddly, as well; utterly still one moment, exploding into sudden motion. His voice is soft, clipped, with a Midwestern accent. His age rests somewhere in the thirties.


Solomon is a Chicago boy, born and bred. His parents were working class in one of the rougher neighborhoods of the city; by many regards, he's done well to get where he is as a junior member of the faculty at the prestigious University of Chicago. He's a forensic entomologist, although he teaches a fair number of gen ed biology classes for undergrads due to being the junior member of his department. Aside from the tenure grind, Solomon also consults with the CPD and other organizations when they have problems that fall into his particular specialties.

He's got a reputation as being good at his job, but a little...unsettling. For those in the Lost community, it's easy to figure out why: Solomon is a member of the Autumn Court, the Court of Fear. He's only recently returned back to the city, having fled after he escaped his durance. He has no previous association with the Freehold, but seems open to helping out now that he's back.

RP Hooks
  • BUGS BUGS BUGS: Solomon is a forensic entomologist, and likes all things insectile or arachnid. You gotta bug problem? Solomon would be delighted to hear about it. DELIGHTED.
  • College Professor: He teaches at the University of Chicago and does the usual number of guest lectures elsewhere. Maybe you've heard about his research, attended his classes, or otherwise come into contact him through the academic realm? Maybe you need an expert opinion?
  • CPD Consultant: For the past few months, Solomon has been consulting for the CPD and other organizations. Mostly, he looks at the bugs that get planted in corpses, and uses that along with other signs to determine time of death, and/or likely places that the body has been. While most of what he does is on the up and up, he's not above fudging a few things here and there to keep the supernatural looking a little less...super to the mortals.
  • Autumn Changeling: He's Lost. He's hunted. Sometimes, he's the hunter. Want a skittering Beast to help you do curious things? He's got a few tricks up his sleeve.
  • Maybe A Little Stalkery: Sol is on the outs with his sister; they haven't spoken directly in years. But that doesn't stop him from hanging around where she lives and works when his schedule permits, hidden and watching. It's creepy. Maybe someone catches him! Maybe the sister's husband notices and hires someone to make him back off. Lots of fun things could happen there and it could be a good way to meet people.
  • Petty Vengeance and Fearmongering: Sol is an angry sort of fellow, but more calculating than hot-blooded. He also likes scaring the hell out of people. And he can command bugs and other vermin. Want to know why your apartment building is suddenly filled with wasps? Or how your favorite restaurant got closed down for rat droppings when it had a clear bill of health just days ago? Maybe you put the pieces together. Maybe you just get caught up in the mess. Or maybe you need a little vengeance of your own and have heard Sol might be able to help...

Rachel - Undergrad student and fellow Lost.

Aleks - Seems polite enough and overly generous. A lot of hair.

Sam - Nice enough and she has a raven.

Nadia - Detective. Seems remarkably competent for a local.

Hazel - Chief ME. Excellent coffee, needs more sleep.

RP Preferences
  • I like 'active' investigation (poking around places you shouldn't) scenes or action scenes. Action doesn't have to be violent - sneaking into places, running from things, trying to manipulate people, all of those count. Spooky, creepy, or tense!
  • I love scenes where people meet while doing things; accidentally stumbling over each other while they're all somewhere they shouldn't be, or someone needs a place to hide on short notice, or something that forwards a character's personal plots or development. Coffee houses and bars are fine, but I'm always open to something that's more exciting. I don't mind setting such scenes!
  • I'm absolutely fine with IC tension or conflict, but I do like it to have meaningful stakes and be something that has an endpoint that isn't just someone kicks someone else's teeth in. Political tension, a rivalry, incompatible goals? Let's work something out.
  • I'm very much into the 'urban' part of the dark urban fantasy/horror. Dark streets, corrupt officials, monsters that live among humanity. I love playing with mortals, I love getting involved in the mortal NPC infrastructure, and I love having complications from or about mortals thrown at me. My Touchstone is a mortal, and I'd love to do some things around my character's relationship with them.
  • Slow roll: I love character relationships that develop over time, and that are complex. Rivalries that turn into friendships, enemies forced to work together for a common goal, friends who find themselves on the opposite sides of a meaningful divide that can't be just talked out? Good stuff. It means I tend to go for a slow development of relationships and look to build them over time and (most importantly) events that the characters have shared.
  • I love meeting new people! If I'm on, I'm almost always up for RP, or if not a scene in this moment, talking about ways to throw our characters together when we have the time to scene. Very page friendly, or mail if I'm not on. If anything seems interesting, please let me know!


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