

Calumet Heights

Revision as of 22:20, 6 February 2020 by Alvin (talk | contribs)

Territory Data
Open Territory

Territory Claimed by: None
Sphere: Changeling
Location Value: 15
Specialty: First Aid (Medicine)
Cost Reductions: Patient, Tolerance for Biology, Indomitable
Unique Bonus: Once per month, use up to 2 dots worth of hospital-specific Resources.
Travel Code: none


Bordering 87th and 95th, the locals of the area are more likely to call it "Pill Hill". This area is filled with manicured lawns, hedges, swimming pools, recycling bins, and well kept homes - signs of being more affluent parts of the African American community. Low crime rates and well tended parks show the welcoming nature of this area. The general population is older with few if any "For Sale" signs.

There are still more than a few empty buildings in the business corridor which gives Pill Hill its prosperity. Other than this, though, the neighborhood seems to sleep at night save for the large hospital that stays open, patiently taking people all over Chicago.

