


Revision as of 17:51, 15 August 2022 by Taskene (talk | contribs)

+bbread - Scans joined bulletin board groups.

+bbread <#> - Scans messages in group <#>.

+bbread <#>/<list> - Reads message(s). <list> can be a single number, multiple numbers, or a range of numbers (ie. 1-6), or any combo.

+bbread <#>/u - Reads all unread messages in group <#>.

+bbcatchup <#> - Marks all messages in group <#> as read. You can use multiple group #'s/names or may use the word 'all' to catchup on all messages on all boards.

+bbscan - Totals unread postings (if any) in each joined group. You can place this command in your @aconnect, and it's recommended you do so.

+bbnew - Reads the next unread message in any board group that you can read. Can be used to move through unread messages quickly and easily.

+bbnext - An alias for +bbnew.

Note: You can use the board's name (or abbreviation) in place of its number.

(See also: Game help:bbpost, Game help:bbmisc, Game help:bbtimeout and Game help:bbchanges.)