


Territory Data
Open Territory

Territory Claimed by: None
Sphere: Changeling
Location Value: 15
Specialty: Ghost (Occult)
Cost Reductions: Danger Sense, Eye for the Strange, Empath
Unique Bonus: Once per month, spend a point of Willpower to be able to find out something about a death.
Travel Code: FW


Ashburn is quiet, peaceful, and friendly. Not much happens here, and oddly it's not on any of the gang's or criminal's radar. Just wealthy enough to have decent homes, but not wealthy enough to be targets, this place is great for families. Neighbors talk to each other and kids play outside. The best way to describe here would simply be "nice".

The night life is nonexistent here and everyone's usually at home with their families or, at most, maybe some late jogging. If you're looking for any kind of evening entertainment, you've come to the wrong place.

Places of Interest

